Americas > Geographie > Cartes > Situation-agra

Plan de Agra (Inde)

Carte interactive de Agra

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Plan de Agra

Voyage à Agra

Distances jusqu'à Agra

Calculez la distance depuis la ville que vous souhaitez jusqu'à Agra en indiquant une adresse sous la forme "45 rue de la cité, ville, pays" ou tout simplement le nom de la ville d'où vous partez.

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Si vous habitez à ou dans les environs de cette ville, profitez des offres "Train + Hôtel" pour passer un séjour agréable à Agra. L'offre comprend le trajet en train entre et Agra et l'hôtel à Agra : Voir les offres

Magazine du Tourisme

Hôtels recommandés à Agra

Annonces publicitaires

Billet d'avion, hôtel, voiture

Informations sur Agra

A Sting in the AGRA Tale: Independent expert evaluations confirm that ...

in the pre-AGRA period, yields in the 13 AGRA focus coun-tries increased gradually by a total of 17% even without the programmes. Therefore, the increases in yields ?with - out? AGRA and ?with? AGRA are almost identical. Instead of halving hunger, the situation in the 13 focus countries actually deteriorated since the AGRA programmes were

Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung | A Sting in the AGRA Tale: Independent ...

AGRA?s own evaluations comprehensively confirm the findings of the ?False Promises? study: the AGRA approach has failed. AGRA was far from achieving the goals it set for itself. In many cases, AGRA?s Green Revolution approach does not even provide the farmers involved in its projects with incomes that are above the poverty line.

False Promises: The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Beschreibung. An international study published by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Biba, Bread for the World, FIAN Germany, Forum on Environment and Development, INKOTA-netzwerk, IRPAD, PELUM Zambia, Tabio, and TOAM documents the dramatic negative impacts of the Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA) on small-scale food producers in the 13 African countries the initiative focuses on.

Suggestion de voyage

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